How a Vendor Contact List can Help You Enjoy Your Wedding

Vendor Contact Form

*This free editable vendor contact form is available at the bottom of this post – don’t miss it!*

Planning a wedding can be incredibly fun and exciting at times—like that moment you know you found the dress or opening up a delivery to find your names printed on a wedding invitation. But then there are moments when it can be downright exhausting, especially when everyone is coming to you with questions about all the little details. Last week we shared a checklist of last minute wedding planning details (if you missed it, check it out here) with the hope that you can plan ahead and avoid some of the mistakes we made at our own wedding.

One of our suggestions, and one that really helped us, was making a contact list that did not have either Evan’s or my name on it.


I loved planning my wedding but when the day came, I didn’t want anyone to ask me a single question about where this décor went or what time [insert obligatory wedding event] should happen. A wedding is one of the biggest days in a bride’s (and groom’s and mother of the bride’s) life and you should be able to enjoy your day after all of the months spent planning.

Of course, those begging questions still have to be answered by someone, and they need to be directed to the right person who knows the answer. That’s why you have professional vendors, right? It’s their job collectively to keep an event on track, so help them out with a contact list. Having your vendor’s names and phone numbers readily available will greatly reduce the number of questions coming back to you while you’re preparing to walk down the aisle.

We put together an editable form so that you can be the most prepared bride ever and avoid being bothered on your big day. Get it at the bottom of this post, fill it out before your wedding and bring print-outs of it and the timeline for any important vendor who may need to contact someone else.

On this form you can add the name of your contact, their phone number and the business name for each vendor. There’s also room to note the time they’re scheduled to arrive and anything your coordinator or other vendors should know.

Just wait and see the look of surprise and gratitude on your vendors’ faces when you communicate well and give them the resources they need to make your wedding run smoothly. I only had to answer one question through the entire course of my wedding. That’s the power of being prepared and having an amazing day-of-coordinator!

Your vendors will thank you for this but more importantly, you’ll thank yourself for planning ahead when you’re able to fully enjoy your wedding day with your friends, family and new spouse. It’s absolutely possible to have the wedding of your dreams and to enjoy it too!

Simply enter your email below to receive your free Vendor Contact Form!

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